Calming Winds YouTube Channel is born

Calming Winds YouTube Channel is born

I started a YouTube channel dedicated to meditation and wellness. I was thinking about this project most of 2017 and I discovered a old video I did for a client went viral and was actually making me money at the same time. This is was further confirmation I was on the right track.

Meditation is usually thought as an eastern worldly form of spirituality, but there is a lot of science behind the practice that even has biblical roots as well. When we rest and think on things above it helps focus our lives better.

My first video, well really its an audio walk through of a garden to help get your breathing under control and relax the body. Its easy to get caught up and busy with life, but we need to set some time apart to slow down and silence the noise in our minds. So these videos will do just that and coming from a Christian background I don’t fill it with universal spiritualism.